We have updated the maintenance function. The new maintenance function supports users to create maintenance schedules and bind vehicles to the schedules. You can click the original maintenance or click the new maintenance icon on the left navigation bar.
Create A Schedule
Before starting the maintenance, you need to create a maintenance schedule, click the Schedule - Create Schedule button.
Enter the Title and Description of the schedule, click Next button.
Choose your maintenance interval, you can choose to maintain according to date or odometer, if you check both, the system will remind you with the one that arrives first. Fill in the interval date and odometer, click Next button.
Select the vehicles that need to be bound to this schedule, and adjust the current odometer of the vehicles, the odometer and the time of the next maintenance, and click the Save button.
After you create a schedule, the schedule record will appear in the schedule list. The same vehicle can bind to multiple schedules. Also, you can Edit or Delete the created schedule at any time.
After you have created the schedule and bound the vehicles, the corresponding vehicle and its maintenance items will appear in the Upcoming list, including, Vehicle name, Maintenance item and interval, Current Odometer, Time since Last Maintain, next schedule at and progress bar of date and odometer . When you need maintenance, click Resolve button.
Enter the time of maintenance service, maintenance notes, odometer at the time of maintenance and the file you want to upload(Up to three), click Save button.
After the maintenance, the system will update the next maintenance schedule and save a maintenance service log.
Service Logs
After you resolve the maintenance, you can view your previous maintenance log in the Service Logs, including Service date, Service Log, Vehicle, Maintenance Note, Odometer at the time of maintenance and the Attachment(Click to download).